Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The First Step

As they say, A Journey of a Thousand Posts begins with the First Post (Yeah, I know Confucius wasn't exactly thinking about blogging when he said this but what's a quote that cant be twisted, right? ;) ), and so here I am, taking the first nervous steps into the world of blogging.

If truth be told, I've always wanted to write a blog but just never ended up doing it (obviously the lame attempts at posting links of articles that I like do not count as blogging). Reasons are many but foremost being that I was always very apprehensive about how good I'd be with the written word! Afterall, I can manage to hold a conversation but holding the attention of a reader is a completely different ball game.

After much thinking however, the realization dawned that my purpose of writing was just to pour out my thoughts and not to get a book published!!! And so here I am with my ramblings and half-baked opinions.... shouting out my thoughts even before I have them figured out. If you find this amusing and do take the effort to follow the blog then it definitely says a lot about your social life ( or rather the absence of it  :D)

So the first step's taken but now what?

Arent there any quotes on the second step of the journey? (Need some serious inspiration now!!!)


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